Renew Labs2025-01-21T13:18:31+00:00
Resource Recirculation
project for Net Zero!
Our goal is to unite people around
the world for our planet

Renew Token (RENEW) ?

It is a utility token created with Polygon to reward various users for various activities on the Renew platform.
Polygon Network is a blockchain with a layer 2 solution appropriate for eco-friendly platforms.
We will also connect with various partners to expand the usability of tokens.

#. About us

Introduction And Overview


Presently, we are developing a platform system for the resource circulation ecosystem and developing recyclable resource collectors using the latest IT technology and related projects. In the future, we will carry out campaigns, securing social communities, and developing upcycling products that mainly focus on various environmental issues, and conduct cultural projects such as various experiences, exhibitions, and festivals to communicate with the public

Slide thumbnail

– The video plays when you click on the image –


Establishment of E.S.G evaluation system for small and medium-sized businesses is as a specialized E.S.G company, we will establish and commercialize guidelines for valuable environmental issues at domestic and abroad and the creation of a recycling and resource circulation ecosystem, and create solutions to solve the climate crisis together with partner companies to advance into Korea as well as overseas.

#.Renew-Tok!Recyclable Waste Sorting Vending Robot

What is Renew-Tok!

Recyclable Waste Sorting Vending Robot

Renew-Tok, which Renew Labs developed, is a vending Robot that sorts and discharges smart recyclable resources (cans & transparent PET bottles) using AI Deep Learning technology as a reverse vending Robot. Renew-Tok, using IoT (Internet of Things) technology, is automatically operated based on the Internet, and users will receive various rewards through the Renew app. After obtaining the emission information of various recyclables, we will build big data to provide information beneficial to the world and form a community that solves environmental problems by sharing it with various users. In particular, if users receive compensation for recycling activities with Renew Tokens, they will not only function as a means of value exchange on the Renew platform but also as digital currencies.

Companies, Government offices
(Custom logo application for users)
Install LocationElementary,Universities
Middle & high schools
Install LocationCompanies, Government offices
(General Distribution)
Install Location[Type.03] Custom Logo[Type.02] Character Images[Type.01] Basic

#. Road map


Q2-1) Architecture of the business model
Q2-2) Recycling related market research
Q3-1) Development of prototype of "Renew-Tok" Robot
Q4-1) Development "Renew Tok" Robot MVP version completed





Architecture of
the business model

Recycling related
market research




Q1-1) Launch official Renew Labs website
Q1-2) Launch of SNS marketing
Q1-3) Released "Renew-Tok" DApp beta version

Q2-4) Development of "Renew-Tok" Robot
and full version of DApp
Q2-5) Start the development of a large-capacity
version of the Renew-Tok Robot




DApp Update

Renew-Tok machine


Q3-1) Update additional features
of "Renew-Tok" DApp
Q4-2) Development of large-capacity version
Prototype of "Renew-Tok" Robot



Web Site


Renew-Tok App





Q1-1) Oversea CEX Listing

Q2-1) Official Launch of "Renew-Tok" Robot
Q2-2) Official Launch of "Renew-Tok" DApp





CEX Listing

Renew-Tok DApp & Robot
Official Launch


Official launch of
the Renew-Tok Robot
in a large-capacity


Q3-1) Korea CEX Listing
Q4-1) Expansion of "Renew-Tok" Robot
into oversea market
Q4-2) International Partnership Agreement
Q4-3) Official launch of the "Renew-Tok"
machine in a large-capacity





#. FAQ

The frequently asked questions (FAQ) section aims to provide
answers to common queries about Renew labs and its services.

There is no Renew-Tok RVM nearby. How can I get involved?2024-11-15T20:11:02+00:00

You can receive RENEW rewards by verifying various eco-friendly activities
through the Renew-Tok app!

When will the Renew-Tok App be released?2024-11-18T14:29:32+00:00

The beta version is currently available. After that, the official version that will interface with the Renew-Tok Robot is scheduled to be released within the first quarter of 2025.

What are the inquiry and official contact information?2024-11-15T20:15:50+00:00 or please contact us through our community channel, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

CEO of Foundation

Hyungsoo Kim

RENEW LABS Corporation. 155751869

Address : Via España, Delta Bank Tower, 6th Floor, Suite 604D, Panama City, Republic of Panama

Renew Works Inc. 712-87-02529

Address : 2F 2642, 25, Sinchon-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Social Link

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